Most cited work
Here's the list for 20 most-cited publications. The name of the assistant professor is in bold; the last number in parentheses is the citation count. One caveat - for articles, I took into account only the number of cites as reported by ISI Web of Science when looking at the article page ("times cited" field). Most of the papers actually have a few extra cites in the database, but WoS has not recorded them in the right format.
1. John Bound, David A. Jaeger and Regina M. Baker. 1995. "On Potential Problems with Instrumental Variables Estimation When the Correlation Between the Instruments and the Endogenous Explanatory Variable is Weak." Journal of the American Statistical Association 90: 443-450 (448).
2. Gary King, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. "Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation." American Journal of Political Science 44: 341-355 (160; there are 190 further cites to Clarify software which I won't list separately).
3. Gary King, James Honaker, Anne Joseph and Kenneth Scheve. 2001. "Analyzing Incomplete Political Science Data: An Alternative Algorithm for Multiple Imputation." American Political Science Review 95: 49-69 (144; there are 89 further cites to Amelia software which I won't list separately).
4. Herbert Kitschelt, in collaboration with Anthony J. McGann. 1995. The Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (128).
5. Hein Goemans. 2000. War and Punishment: The Causes of War Termination and the First World War, Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press (76).
6. Peter C. Ordeshook and Olga Shvetsova. 1994. "Ethnic Heterogeneity, District Magnitude, and the Number of Parties." American Journal of Political Science 38: 100–23 (66).
7. Clark Gibson, Elinor Ostrom, and T.K. Ahn. 2000. "The Concept of Scale and the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change." Ecological Economics 32: 217-239 (62).
8. Jenna Bednar and William N. Eskridge, Jr. 1995. "Steadying the Court's 'Unsteady Path': A Theory of Judicial Enforcement of Federalism." Southern California Law Review 68: 1447-1491 (54).
9. Torben Iversen and Anne Wren. 1998. "Equality, Employment, and Budgetary Restraint: The Trilemma of the Service Economy." World Politics 50: 507-46 (50).
10. Alan I. Abramowitz and Kyle L. Saunders. 1998. "Ideological Realignment in the US Electorate." Journal of Politics 60: 634-652 (48).
11. Steven C. Poe, C. Neal Tate and Linda Camp Keith. 1999. "Repression of the Human Right to Personal Integrity Revisited: A Global Crossnational Study Covering the Years 1976-1993." International Studies Quarterly 43: 291-313 (46).
12. Ian Hurd. 1999. "Legitimacy and Authority in International Politics." International Organization 53: 379-408 (45).
13. Paul G. Lewis. 1996. Shaping Suburbia: How Political Institutions Organize Urban Development. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
14. Mark Hallerberg and Scott Basinger. 1998. "Internationalization and Changes in Tax Policy in OECD Countries. The Importance of Domestic Veto Players." Comparative Political Studies 31: 321-352 (43).
15. Robert C. Lowry, James E. Alt and Karen E. Ferree. 1998. "Fiscal Policy Outcomes and Electoral Accountability in American States." American Political Science Review 92: 759-774 (42).
16. James L. Gibson, Gregory A. Caldeira, and Vanessa Baird. 1998. "On the Legitimacy of National High Courts." American Political Science Review 92: 343-358 (41).
16. Paul K. Huth and Todd Allee. 2003. The Democratic Peace and Territorial Conflict in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (41).
18. Geoffrey Garrett, R. Daniel Keleman, and Heiner Schulz. 1998. "The European Court of Justice, National Governments, and Legal Integration in the European Union." International Organization 52: 149-76 (40).
19. Colin Elman. 1996. "Horses for Courses: Why Not Neo-Realist Theories of Foreign Policy?" Security Studies 6: 7-53 (38).
20. Beth Simmons and Zachary Elkins. 2004. "The Globalization of Liberalization: Policy Diffusion in the International Political Economy." American Political Science Review 98: 171-190 (37).
1. John Bound, David A. Jaeger and Regina M. Baker. 1995. "On Potential Problems with Instrumental Variables Estimation When the Correlation Between the Instruments and the Endogenous Explanatory Variable is Weak." Journal of the American Statistical Association 90: 443-450 (448).
2. Gary King, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. "Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation." American Journal of Political Science 44: 341-355 (160; there are 190 further cites to Clarify software which I won't list separately).
3. Gary King, James Honaker, Anne Joseph and Kenneth Scheve. 2001. "Analyzing Incomplete Political Science Data: An Alternative Algorithm for Multiple Imputation." American Political Science Review 95: 49-69 (144; there are 89 further cites to Amelia software which I won't list separately).
4. Herbert Kitschelt, in collaboration with Anthony J. McGann. 1995. The Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press (128).
5. Hein Goemans. 2000. War and Punishment: The Causes of War Termination and the First World War, Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press (76).
6. Peter C. Ordeshook and Olga Shvetsova. 1994. "Ethnic Heterogeneity, District Magnitude, and the Number of Parties." American Journal of Political Science 38: 100–23 (66).
7. Clark Gibson, Elinor Ostrom, and T.K. Ahn. 2000. "The Concept of Scale and the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change." Ecological Economics 32: 217-239 (62).
8. Jenna Bednar and William N. Eskridge, Jr. 1995. "Steadying the Court's 'Unsteady Path': A Theory of Judicial Enforcement of Federalism." Southern California Law Review 68: 1447-1491 (54).
9. Torben Iversen and Anne Wren. 1998. "Equality, Employment, and Budgetary Restraint: The Trilemma of the Service Economy." World Politics 50: 507-46 (50).
10. Alan I. Abramowitz and Kyle L. Saunders. 1998. "Ideological Realignment in the US Electorate." Journal of Politics 60: 634-652 (48).
11. Steven C. Poe, C. Neal Tate and Linda Camp Keith. 1999. "Repression of the Human Right to Personal Integrity Revisited: A Global Crossnational Study Covering the Years 1976-1993." International Studies Quarterly 43: 291-313 (46).
12. Ian Hurd. 1999. "Legitimacy and Authority in International Politics." International Organization 53: 379-408 (45).
13. Paul G. Lewis. 1996. Shaping Suburbia: How Political Institutions Organize Urban Development. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
14. Mark Hallerberg and Scott Basinger. 1998. "Internationalization and Changes in Tax Policy in OECD Countries. The Importance of Domestic Veto Players." Comparative Political Studies 31: 321-352 (43).
15. Robert C. Lowry, James E. Alt and Karen E. Ferree. 1998. "Fiscal Policy Outcomes and Electoral Accountability in American States." American Political Science Review 92: 759-774 (42).
16. James L. Gibson, Gregory A. Caldeira, and Vanessa Baird. 1998. "On the Legitimacy of National High Courts." American Political Science Review 92: 343-358 (41).
16. Paul K. Huth and Todd Allee. 2003. The Democratic Peace and Territorial Conflict in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (41).
18. Geoffrey Garrett, R. Daniel Keleman, and Heiner Schulz. 1998. "The European Court of Justice, National Governments, and Legal Integration in the European Union." International Organization 52: 149-76 (40).
19. Colin Elman. 1996. "Horses for Courses: Why Not Neo-Realist Theories of Foreign Policy?" Security Studies 6: 7-53 (38).
20. Beth Simmons and Zachary Elkins. 2004. "The Globalization of Liberalization: Policy Diffusion in the International Political Economy." American Political Science Review 98: 171-190 (37).